
Sunday, April 10, 2011

page 41-65

Summary This part of the book is about. Kirsch states that the "messiah" is used differently in Judaism and Christianity. In the Hebrew bible messiah is just another word for someone who holds some high office or who has been assigned "a special duty" (Skirch 43).  In the book of Daniel the messiah is seen as the "son of man" and "savior". Another main character in apocalyptic writings is Satan, who is the demonic figure that the Messiah would fight and defeat in the end. Kirsch also argues that the authors of apocalyptic writings meant for the audience to be inspired. For example, Jews were suppose to resist their Roman persecutors. A group of people mentioned by jew, Josephus, are the essenes who are Jews that moved into the wilderness to wait for the end of the world. Overall apocalyptic writings were addressed to individuals who saw themselves as outsiders and victims suffering from oppression or persecution in any setting.
      During the Maccabean Revolt, Jerusalem was under the rule of Rome. People during this time longed for a Messiah that would liberate them from "evil forces".Simon  Bar Kochba was hailed as the Messiah, because he was the leader of a war against Rome. He died in 135C.E. which showed that Bar Kochba wasn't the real messiah. Another "messiah" is Yeshua bar Yosef, who is also known as Jesus. Modern bible scholars regard Jesus as a moral teahcer who tries to teach his followers how to live a decent live, but some believe that Jesus was trying to people about the apocalypse. Hoewever Kirsch argues that the Gospels prove that Jesus believed and taught thought the world was going to end around the time he was on Earth. There is debate over whether Jesus was an apocalyptic phrophet since what he thought would happen did not happen.
       Another controversy that was discussed by Kirsch is about who is the author of the book of Revelation.  Many people think that the author is "John the Evangelist" or "Saint John". He also thought of himself as one God's favorites and that he was probably born in Judea. John probably was a Jew by birth. The author of the Revelation repeatedly uses the number 666, which he used as a symbol of a Roman emperor.
Quote-  "As we move forward in history, we will see that Revelation has been reread and reinterpreted in startling and even shocking ways over centuries, and never more so than in our times. If the author of Revelation had been granted an accurate vision of the distant future, surely he would have been appalled not only by the plain fact that the end of the world was not near but also by what would become of is "little book"." (Kirsch 55)

Reactions-  I chose the quote above, because it shows how controversial the book of Revelation is. Kirsch states that the Revelation has been interpreted in various ways over the centuries, especially now. This is true, because there are documentaries shown on T.V of different apocalyptic prophecies. The quote also says that the author of Revelation probably did not know that his book was going to be so popular and that it would be read by future popes and Kings. The Revelation is very old, but its message is still followed by certain people.It is funny how the Revelation is still read today and probably will be read in the next century.

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